The Treasure of Childeric I

Golden Bees, Treasure of Childeric I, 5th century AD, Gold, Garnet, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France

. The 14th of July is the anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille, a major event of the French Revolution, and the most important French Fête Nationale! Let’s celebrate this important historical event with a story… that of The Treasure of Childeric I, its beautiful Bee-Shaped Jewels and… Napoleon!

The Treasure of Childeric I, discovered on May 27th, 1653, in Tournai, Belgium, by Adrien Quinquin, a mason working on the reconstruction of the Church of Saint-Brice, is an extraordinary archaeological find that offers a unique glimpse into the early medieval period of European history. Attributed to Childeric I, a prominent king of the Salian Franks and father of Clovis I, the founder of the Merovingian dynasty, the hoard included a remarkable array of artefacts, such as jewelry, coins, and ceremonial weapons, reflecting the wealth and craftsmanship of the time.

Childeric I reigned during a pivotal era marked by the transition from Roman rule to establishing Frankish kingdoms. Therefore, his treasure highlights the personal wealth and power of a Frankish king and serves as a cultural bridge between the late Roman Empire and the early medieval Frankish state. Each item within the treasure provides invaluable insights into the art, culture, and political dynamics of the 5th century.

The discovery of Childeric’s treasure was a landmark event in the field of archaeology and has since played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of Merovingian art and society. The Treasure included a variety of fascinating items: a throwing axe, a spear, a long sword known as a spatha, and a short scramasax, both adorned with gold and garnet cloisonné. There was also a solid gold torc bracelet, part of an iron horseshoe with nails still intact, and belt and shoe buckles as well as horse harness fittings, all elaborately decorated with cloisonné gold and garnets. Additionally, the collection contained a leather purse with over a hundred gold and silver coins, the latest of which featured the Byzantine Emperor Zeno (474-491 A.D.). Among the treasures were also a gold bull’s head with a solar disc on its forehead, a crystal ball, and a gold signet ring.

Among the most notable items were the gold and enamel bees, over 300 of them, which were likely used as decorations for Childeric’s cloak or other regalia. These bees were later adopted by Napoleon Bonaparte, who, preparing for his coronation as Emperor of the French, sought a link to ancient French royalty. He deliberately avoided the still-despised Bourbon fleur-de-lys symbol, espousing Childeric’s heraldic bees as his emblem. Consequently, Napoleon’s coronation robe was embroidered with 300 gold bees, establishing them as the symbol of the new French Empire, and associating himself with the continuity and authority of the ancient Frankish kings. The bees thus became emblematic of the Napoleonic regime, symbolizing immortality and resurrection. In modern times, the bee has also contributed to the commemoration of the 14th of July national holiday, symbolizing the unity and enduring spirit of the French nation.

The Treasure’s discovery

When Childeric’s treasure was discovered in 1653 in Tournai, then part of the Spanish Netherlands, it was sent to Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria. Recognizing its importance, the Archduke commissioned his physician, Jean-Jacques Chifflet, to document the artefacts meticulously. Chifflet’s detailed study, including precise engravings, was published in 1655 as “Anastasis Childerici I,” marking the first scientific archaeological publication. Although Chifflet made some errors in his analysis, his work laid the groundwork for modern archaeological documentation, preserving invaluable information about the Merovingian dynasty. Archduke Leopold brought Childeric’s treasure to Vienna in 1656 and, upon his death in 1662, bequeathed it to his nephew, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, who gifted the treasure to King Louis XIV. Louis, unimpressed by the 5th-century artefacts, stored them in the Louvre’s Cabinet of Medals. After the French Revolution, the treasure became part of the Cabinet of Medals at the Imperial Library, later known as the National Library of France.

On the night of November 5th, 1831, thieves broke into the Cabinet of Medals at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, stealing over 2,000 gold objects, including Childeric’s treasure. The exact sequence of events is unclear due to record losses during the Paris Commune of 1871. The theft was a major scandal, prompting the reappointment of Eugène-François Vidocq, founder of the Sûreté, to lead the investigation and recover the treasure. With Vidocq in charge (Vidoq was a former criminal and convict turned policeman, believed to be Victor Hugo’s inspiration for Javert and Valjean of Les Misérables) a portion of the stolen treasure was retrieved from the Seine River where it was hidden in leather bags. Unfortunately, the treasure’s theft led to a dramatic loss of French cultural heritage, as only a portion of the treasure was recovered with many pieces lost forever. Today, the Treasure of Childeric I remains a testament to the historical significance and enduring legacy of the early Frankish rulers.

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Royal Pantheon of San Isidoro

Royal Pantheon of San Isidoro de León, Romanesque Fresco Paintings
July, Calendar of San Isidoro de León, between 1160 and 1170, fresco painting, Colegiata de San Isidoro, León, Spain and

On the 12th of May 2024, I was in León, Spain, and the Royal Pantheon of San Isidoro was the first cultural monument I visited. Nestled within the Royal Collegiate of San Isidoro, this remarkable Pantheon is often referred to as the “Sistine Chapel of Romanesque Art” due to its stunningly preserved frescoes that date back to the 12th century. As I stepped inside, I was immediately captivated by the vibrant murals that depict biblical scenes and medieval life, their rich colours, and intricate details astonishingly intact after centuries. The Pantheon serves as the final resting place for many of León’s kings and queens, adding a profound historical significance to its artistic splendour. The serene ambience, coupled with the sense of walking through a living piece of history, made my visit an unforgettable introduction to the cultural and historical treasures of León.

Colegiata de San Isidoro, León, Spain

The Royal Collegiate of San Isidore in León holds a pivotal place in Spanish history and culture, renowned for its religious, architectural, and historical significance. Established in the 10th century and later dedicated to Saint Isidore of Seville, this monastery has long been a center of spiritual and intellectual life. Architecturally, it is a stunning example of Romanesque design, featuring intricate carvings, soaring arches, and the remarkable Royal Pantheon with its breathtaking frescoes. Historically, it served as a royal collegiate church and a burial site for Leonese monarchs, symbolizing the political and religious power of the Kingdom of León. The monastery also played a crucial role in the cultural revival of the medieval period, housing a vast scriptorium where scholars produced and preserved numerous manuscripts, thus contributing significantly to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge throughout Europe.

The architecture of the Royal Pantheon in San Isidoro in León is a quintessential example of the Romanesque style, characterized by its solid and austere construction, yet adorned with remarkable artistic details. The structure features robust stone walls and semi-circular arches that exude a sense of permanence and strength. Inside, the Pantheon is renowned for its barrel-vaulted ceilings, which are covered with some of the most exquisite and well-preserved frescoes from the 12th century. These vibrant murals, which depict biblical scenes and daily life, are framed by intricately carved capitals atop sturdy columns, adding to the grandeur of the space. The use of natural light, filtering through small, strategically placed windows, enhances the ethereal quality of the interior, creating a sacred atmosphere that complements its function as the resting place for León’s royalty. This harmonious blend of architectural solidity and artistic finesse makes the Royal Pantheon a masterpiece of medieval art and architecture.

Royal Pantheon of San Isidoro de León, Romanesque Fresco Paintings, between 1160 and 1170, fresco painting, Colegiata de San Isidoro, León, Spain and

The fresco decoration of the Royal Pantheon is an equally stunning example of Romanesque art, revered for its vibrant colours and intricate detail. These 12th-century murals cover the ceilings and upper walls, vividly depicting an array of biblical scenes, including the Annunciation to the Shepherds, Christ in Majesty, and various saints and angels. The frescoes are notable for their expressive figures and dynamic compositions, capturing the spiritual and cultural essence of the medieval period. Rich hues of reds, blues, and ochres dominate the palette, creating a visually striking contrast against the stone architecture. These frescoes not only serve as a religious and educational tool, illustrating key narratives of Christian doctrine but also stand as a testament to the artistic skill and devotional intensity of the period. Their exceptional preservation allows visitors to experience the same awe and reverence as medieval worshippers, making the Royal Pantheon a remarkable fusion of art, faith, and history.

Royal Pantheon of San Isidoro de León, Romanesque Fresco Paintings
Calendar of San Isidoro de León, between 1160 and 1170, fresco painting, Colegiata de San Isidoro, León, Spain

I was pleasantly surprised by the twelve roundels presenting the agricultural calendar, developed in the intrados (the inner curve of an arch or vault) of an arch, where the daily and real life of the people of León in the 12th century are portrayed. These frescoes depicting the 12 months are a fascinating blend of Roman tradition and medieval life. Each month is personified with a vivid scene that captures the essence of seasonal activities and agricultural cycles. January, (Genuarius), echoes the ancient Roman deity Janus, with a double-faced figure symbolizing the transition between the old and new year. February, (Februarius), shows a man warming himself by the fire, indicating the harshness of winter and the retreat from outdoor labour. March, (Marcius), portrays a man pruning vines, a task essential for the forthcoming growth. April, (Aprilis), celebrates the onset of planting with a figure holding tender sprouts, ready for sowing. May, (Magius), diverges from agricultural labour, depicting a knight with a shield, representing the pursuits of hunting and warfare. June, (Iunius), and July, (Iulii), are illustrated with scenes of harvesting, emphasizing the peak of agricultural activity. August, (Agustus), focuses on the separation of grain from chaff, a crucial step in the agricultural process. September, (September), captures the grape harvest, a vital part of the winemaking tradition. October, (October), shows a man shaking acorns from a tree to feed pigs, linking to the preparation for winter. November, (November), is marked by the depiction of pig slaughter, a significant event for food preservation. Finally, December, (December), closes the cycle with a man resting by the fire, reflecting on the year’s labours, and enjoying the respite of winter. These frescoes not only highlight the agricultural calendar but also offer a glimpse into the daily lives and seasonal rhythms of medieval society.

Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happy Month of July

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Byzantine Ivory Caskets

Byzantine Casket with Mythological and Combat Scenes, 4th quarter of the 10th century, Ivory, 11.5×41.5×17.5 cm, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France (Photo Credit: Amalia Spiliakou, May 2023)

Byzantine Ivory Caskets, also known as covered boxes, represent exquisite examples of medieval artistry and craftsmanship. These small, intricately carved containers were crafted in the Byzantine Empire during the early medieval period, primarily between the 6th and 12th centuries. Made from luxurious materials such as ivory, these Caskets served a variety of purposes, ranging from holding religious relics to storing precious items like jewelry or cosmetics. Adorned with elaborate motifs, often depicting religious scenes, mythological figures, or intricate geometric patterns, Byzantine Ivory Caskets not only served functional roles but also conveyed the wealth, power, and artistic sophistication of the Byzantine civilization. These objects provide valuable insights into the social, cultural, and religious contexts of the Byzantine Empire.

In the present day, around 125 ivory Caskets endure, each bearing its unique journey through time and wear, with approximately 50 adorned in secular motifs. These elegant Caskets stand as a testament to Byzantine artistry, representing a remarkable legacy of secular expression preserved amidst the sands of time. Their survival marks them as the paramount example of Byzantine secular art, offering a glimpse into the aesthetic tastes and cultural nuances of an empire steeped in opulence and sophistication.

Intricately carved and made of transverse sections of elephant tusks, the Byzantine Caskets were more than mere receptacles; they were vessels of cultural significance and practical utility. Their intricate reliefs, often depicting a blend of pagan mythology and Christian iconography, hint at their multifaceted functions. Those adorned with scenes of Christ’s miraculous healings likely served as vessels for safeguarding the sacred elements of the Eucharist, underscoring their role in religious rituals and devotion. Conversely, Caskets embellished with pagan motifs might have been employed for storing personal effects like valuable documents, cosmetics or jewelry, reflecting the interplay between secular and religious spheres in Byzantine society. Though their precise origins remain elusive, scholars speculate that these Caskets were crafted in Constantinople or the Byzantine provinces of North Africa or Syria-Palestine, regions renowned for their ivory craftsmanship. Despite the enigma surrounding their provenance, Byzantine Ivory Caskets endure as tangible manifestations of the empire’s artistic prowess and spiritual fervour.

During the Byzantine period, ivory held a revered status as a symbol of luxury, prestige, and religious devotion. The Byzantines prized ivory for its exceptional beauty and workability, utilizing it in a myriad of contexts ranging from religious artefacts to secular luxury items. Ivory was extensively employed in the creation of intricate carvings, including religious icons, diptychs, and triptychs, which adorned churches, palaces, and private collections and Caskets as containers of precious secular or religious treasures. These exquisite ivory artworks served not only as expressions of faith but also as tangible manifestations of wealth and power. Furthermore, ivory was utilized in the production of practical items such as furniture inlays, game pieces, and personal accessories, reflecting its versatility and widespread appeal across various aspects of Byzantine society. The use of ivory persisted throughout the Byzantine period, leaving an indelible mark on the art, culture, and material wealth of the empire.

Byzantine Casket with Mythological and Combat Scenes, 4th quarter of the 10th century, Ivory, 11.5×41.5×17.5 cm, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France
Byzantine Casket with Mythological and Combat Scenes, 4th quarter of the 10th century, Ivory, 11.5×41.5×17.5 cm, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France

Among these remarkable artefacts, the Byzantine ivory Casket of the Musée de Cluny in Paris stands as one of my favourites. Crafted in Constantinople around the turn of the millennium, this Casket is a testament to the refined tastes of the secular elites within the court of the Macedonian dynasty. Delicately adorned with finely carved ivory panels, it depicts intricate scenes drawn from the legendary exploits of Heracles and various other tales of Greek mythology to epic battles and chariot races. Each panel is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, capturing the essence of both ancient lore and medieval life. Undoubtedly intended for domestic use within the opulent confines of aristocratic households, this Casket serves as a tangible link between the classical past and the burgeoning cultural landscape of Byzantium.

As one marvels at this masterpiece within the halls of the Cluny Museum, one cannot help but be transported back in time, envisioning the opulence and splendour of the Byzantine era.

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Constantine the Great

Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, Constantine and the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, folio 440r, (detail), 879-882 AD, Byzantine Illuminated Manuscript, Illustrated painted Parchment, Bibliothèque nationale de France. (BnF MS grec 510), Paris, France

And while he was thus praying with fervent entreaty, a most marvelous sign appeared to him from heaven, the account of which it might have been hard to believe had it been related by any other person. But since the victorious emperor himself long afterwards declared it to the writer of this history, (1) when he was honored with his acquaintance and society, and confirmed his statement by an oath, who could hesitate to accredit the relation, especially since the testimony of after- time has established its truth? He said that about noon, when the day was already beginning to decline, he saw with his own eyes the trophy of a cross of light in the heavens, above the sun, and bearing the inscription, IN HOC SIGNO VINCES (Conquer by this) …  This phrase is traditionally associated with Constantine the Great and his vision before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312. According to early Christian historian Eusebius, Constantine saw this sign in the sky urging him to adopt the Christian cross as his standard.

The 9th-century Byzantine illuminated manuscript known as the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, housed in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, is a particularly exquisite example of Byzantine book art and scholarship. Codex Grec 510, features a collection of selected homilies by Gregory of Nazianzus, a central figure in the formulation of the Nicene Creed and a master of Early Christian theology. This manuscript is celebrated for its aesthetic and artistic value, containing numerous illuminations that include elaborate headpieces and initial letters, which are executed in vibrant colours and gold, reflecting the sophisticated, luxurious, and highly skilled artistry of Byzantine manuscript illumination of this period. These visual embellishments not only highlight the sacred content but also serve to guide the reader’s experience of the text. The codex is a testament to the religious devotion, intellectual fervor, and artistic sophistication of Byzantine culture, providing insights into the spiritual and cultural life of the era.

Created in the late 9th century, this fine manuscript stands as a testament to the teachings of Gregory of Nazianzus, a significant theological figure from the fourth century. It was meticulously produced as an elaborate gift for Emperor Basil I, the progenitor of the Macedonian dynasty, courtesy of Patriarch Photios, a renowned scholar of Byzantium. This manuscript is distinguished by its forty-six full-page miniatures; however, less than half of these are directly reflective of the sermons it contains. Most of the artwork instead offers a visual exploration of the Byzantine court during the ninth century. These miniatures are more than mere decorations; they are profound visual essays that provide insights not captured in other contemporary records. Through careful examination, they reveal the unique capabilities of visual art to communicate complex themes and narratives distinctively different from written texts.

The 9th-century Byzantine illuminated manuscript known as the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, housed in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, is a particularly exquisite example of Byzantine book art and scholarship. Codex Grec 510, features a collection of selected Homilies by Gregory of Nazianzus, a central figure in the formulation of the Nicene Creed and a master of Early Christian theology. This manuscript is celebrated for its aesthetic and artistic value, containing numerous illuminations that include elaborate headpieces and initial letters, which are executed in vibrant colours and gold, reflecting the sophisticated, luxurious, and highly skilled artistry of Byzantine manuscript illumination of this period. These visual embellishments not only highlight the sacred content but also serve to guide the reader’s experience of the text. The codex is a testament to the religious devotion, intellectual fervour, and artistic sophistication of Byzantine culture, providing insights into the spiritual and cultural life of the era.

Created in the late 9th century, this fine manuscript stands as a testament to the teachings of Gregory of Nazianzus, a significant theological figure from the fourth century. It was meticulously produced as an elaborate gift for Emperor Basil I, the progenitor of the Macedonian dynasty, courtesy of Patriarch Photios, a renowned scholar of Byzantium. This manuscript is distinguished by its forty-six full-page miniatures; however, less than half of these are directly reflective of the sermons it contains. Most of the artwork instead offers a visual exploration of the Byzantine court during the ninth century. These miniatures are more than mere decorations; they are profound visual essays that provide insights not captured in other contemporary records. Through careful examination, they reveal the unique capabilities of visual art to communicate complex themes and narratives distinctively different from written texts.

Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, Constantine’s vision and the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, folio 440r, 879-882 AD, Byzantine Illuminated Manuscript, Illustrated painted Parchment, Bibliothèque nationale de France. (BnF MS grec 510), Paris, France

Folio 440r of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus presents a captivating artistic depiction of a pivotal historical moment: Emperor Constantine the Great at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. This illustration is not just a simple portrayal; it is imbued with historical and symbolic significance. The scene vividly captures the dramatic and miraculous nature of the battle, which occurred in 312 AD near Rome. According to historical accounts, Constantine, on the eve of the conflict, experienced a vision that led him to adopt the Christian symbol of the Cross and the Chi-Rho on his soldiers’ shields, a decisive factor attributed to his victory. This moment is often considered a turning point for Christianity, marking its transition from persecution to imperial endorsement.

The artistry of the miniature depicting Constantine’s victory at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge transcends simple historical documentation, embodying the theological and political ideals of the Byzantine Empire at the time of the manuscript’s creation. This illustration is set against a two-tone green ground beneath a blue backdrop, where the background features are minimalist, confined only to essential narrative elements such as the Milvian Bridge itself or a monochromatic landscape. The figures, stocky with disproportionately large heads, are rendered in a style that favours either a frontal gaze or a pure profile, even as more complex poses are attempted.

Through its detailed iconography and thoughtful composition, the miniature communicates both the earthly and heavenly endorsement of Constantine’s rule and victory, providing viewers with a layered interpretation of history that is infused with divine significance. This approach creates a visual narrative that not only highlights the pivotal moment but also emphasizes themes interwoven with the broader religious and imperial ethos of the era. The strategic simplification of background elements and the stylized depiction of figures enhance the focus on the central themes, effectively marrying form with content in a portrayal rich with symbolic meaning.

For a Student Activity inspired by folio 440r of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, which depicts Constantine the Great and the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, please… Check HERE!

Bibliography: Vision and Meaning in 9th-Century Byzantium, Image as Exegesis in the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus by Leslie Brubaker and

Palm Sunday – Κυριακή των Βαΐων

Ethiopian Illuminated Gospel, Palm Sunday, late 14th–early 15th century, from the Amhara region, Parchment, Wood, Tempera, Ink, 41.9 x 28.6 x 10.2 cm, the MET, NY, USA

Heartfelt wishes for the Orthodox Holy Week of Easter ahead of us, and today’s Palm Sunday – Κυριακή των Βαΐων … The next day the great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, / “Hosanna! / Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord – the King of Israel!” (John 12.12-16)

Nestled within the rugged embrace of Ethiopia’s highlands, the Amhara region emerges as a tapestry of cultural richness and natural beauty. Here, ancient traditions interlace with modern aspirations, creating a mosaic of resilience and vibrancy. From the shores of Lake Tana, where ancient monasteries guard age-old treasures, to the majestic peaks of the Simien Mountains, Amhara captivates the scholar with its diverse landscapes and rich heritage.

Within the intricate tapestry of Ethiopian history, the Amhara people emerge as custodians of a cultural legacy shaped by millennia of dynamic interaction and enduring tradition. This rich heritage finds its roots in the ancient kingdom of Aksum, where the fusion of indigenous groups, Arabian emigrants, and Alexandrian scholarship gave rise to a civilization that would shape the course of East African history. It was here, in the fertile highlands, that Christianity took root under the patronage of King Ezana, marking the dawn of a new era defined by faith and enlightenment. As the Ethiopian state expanded its influence, monasteries blossomed as centers of knowledge, beacons of learning and guardians of tradition. Through the ebb and flow of time, the Amhara people have remained steadfast in their commitment to preserving this rich cultural heritage, embodying the spirit of resilience and continuity that defines Ethiopia’s vibrant tapestry of diversity.

Within the sacred confines of the Ethiopian Orthodox Monasteries, the Gospel text reigned supreme, its words were revered as divine guidance for the faithful, and their illuminations were considered sacred windows into the divine narrative. It thus comes as no surprise that Illuminated Manuscripts were pivotal elements of Ethiopian liturgy. They were commissioned by esteemed patrons, to stand as testaments to both royal prestige and the scholarly ability of monastic scriptoria. One such Manuscript, the Ethiopian Illuminated Gospel in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum in New York, is a testament to the intertwining of faith, patronage, and artistry.

Dating back to the 14th century, at the peak of Ethiopian civilization, this opulent manuscript encapsulates the essence of Ethiopian Medieval Christian Art, bringing together Byzantine influences with indigenous flair. Within its pages, written in Classical Ethiopic or Ge’ez, this illuminated manuscript stands as one of merely thirteen manuscripts that defied the onslaught of Islamic destruction during the tumultuous 16th century. Its survival underscores its singular importance as a cherished artefact of Ethiopian heritage, preserving a vibrant chapter of artistic and religious expression.

Hailing from a monastic center nestled in the serene Tana region, the Ethiopian Manuscript unfolds as a masterpiece of illumination. Adorned with twenty full-page miniatures portraying vivid scenes from the New Testament, meticulously crafted portraits of the Evangelist, and eleven illuminated Canon Tables, this manuscript offers a captivating glimpse into the Christian narrative, meticulously rendered by the hands of at least two skilled artists. These artisans, adept in their craft, ingeniously adapted Byzantine influences into a distinctly Ethiopian style, characterized by vibrant hues and striking graphic motifs. Within its pages, figural subject matter intertwines with rich passages of abstract patterns, weaving a tapestry of spiritual and artistic expression. Delicate decorative frames, embracing illuminated pages, showcase bands of coloured lines interwoven with intricate geometric designs, each stroke a testament to the artisans’ mastery and the manuscript’s enduring allure.

My favourite scene from the New Testament is The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Inspired by the Byzantine iconographic tradition, but infused with an Ethiopian ‘twist,’ the Palm Sunday scene is rendered in the local expressive idiom. Human forms are portrayed as static and solemn, schematically rendered like pillars of faith, with lines boldly presented and colours that are warm and inviting. Blending solemnity with warmth, the Ethiopian ‘tableau’, not only captivates the viewer but also eloquently encapsulates the unique spiritual and cultural narrative of the Ethiopian Christian tradition.

For a PowerPoint inspired by the Ethiopian Illuminated Gospel in the MET, please… Check HERE!

Bibliography: page 441 and

The Lady and the Unicorn

The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries, circa 1500, Wool and Silk, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France

In the heart of the Cluny Museum in Paris, six exquisite masterpieces from the late 15th century quietly captivate visitors—The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries. These splendid works of art, steeped in mystery and allure, weave a narrative that transcends time. As we embark on a visual journey through the intricacies of this enchanting work of art let’s remember the oldest reference to the Unicorn… there are in India certain wild asses which are as large as horses, and larger. Their bodies are white, their horns dark red, and their eyes dark blue… The quotation comes from the 4th century BC book Indica, a combination of geography, and zoology, by Greek physician, Ctesias from Cnidos.


The Lady and the Unicorn is a series of six tapestries dating back to the late 15th century, widely regarded as masterpieces of medieval European art. Each tapestry depicts a Lady interacting with a Unicorn in a lush garden setting, with accompanying elements such as a lion, monkeys, and various flora and fauna. The symbolism within the scenes is rich, revealing the Medieval world of the human Senses and conveying themes of romance, chivalry, and morality. The precise meaning of the tapestries remains open to interpretation, adding to their mystique and enduring allure. Despite the passage of centuries, The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries continue to captivate viewers with their timeless beauty and enigmatic narrative.

The Patrons

Introducing the captivating narrative woven into The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry, the coat of arms featured, a vivid red shield with a blue band adorned with three silver crescent moons, offers a crucial historical clue. This distinctive heraldry connects the commission of the tapestries to the Le Viste family, notable figures in the Paris parliament during that era. The family’s ascent in social status is reflected in the tapestries, adorned with a profusion of heraldic symbols and emblems, a deliberate assertion of their collective and individual power. The full coat of arms, potentially linked to Jean IV Le Viste or his cousin Antoine, suggests a weaving date around 1500. The presence of the initials A and I in the “Mon seul désir” motto hints at a celebration, possibly related to an engagement between the groom and bride, particularly Jean IV and Jacqueline Raguier. Stylistic connections to the workshop of the Master of the Très Petites Heures manuscript and the intricate symbolism throughout the tapestries add depth to the rich tapestry, making it a fascinating exploration of familial power, social ascent, and symbolic storytelling.

The Discovery

Crafted around 1500, The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries have captivated the imagination and curiosity of admirers for centuries. Their historical emergence gained momentum in the 19th century when they were rediscovered at the Château de Boussac, a small castle in central France. Notably, novelist George Sand played a significant role in elevating their prominence by featuring the enigmatic tapestries in her 1844 novel Jeanne, where she described them as masterpieces with intriguing historical significance. Concurrently, Prosper Mérimée, the inspector general of historic monuments in France, became aware of their artistic importance through Sand and recognized their exceptional originality and quality. Motivated by concerns about their condition, Mérimée fervently advocated for the state’s acquisition of the tapestries. Following prolonged negotiations, the town of Boussac ultimately agreed to sell these exceptional artworks to the state in 1882. Since then, they have found a permanent home at the Musée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge in Paris, where they continue to inspire awe and admiration.

Description and Interpretation

The six tapestries of The Lady and the Unicorn form a harmonious ensemble characterized by balanced and understated compositions, unfolding against a striking red Mille Fleur background. Each tapestry features a central narrative where the protagonist, an elegant, aristocratic Lady, occasionally accompanied by her lady companion, is consistently flanked by a Lion and a Unicorn who carry banners with the Le Viste family coat of arms. The profound mystery embedded in these tapestries, a source of fascination for George Sand, primarily resides in their elusive meaning, subject to interpretations. While five of the six pieces are widely accepted as representations of the Five Senses, Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing, and Sight, there is a sixth tapestry, the meaning of which, remains enigmatic, leaving viewers to ponder if this is a tapestry depicting a Sixth Sense!

The tapestry presenting Touch is captivating… The Lady demands attention with her commanding presence, her untamed tresses, and opulent attire, as she stands, her right hand firmly lifting the Le Viste family banner while her left delicately touches the Unicorn’s horn. A departure from the norm, this piece unveils unique elements like the Unicorn’s small size and the Lion’s bulging eyes, wide mouth, and pointed ears. The background introduces an array of captivating creatures, including two captive monkeys and collared animals – a wolf, a panther, and a cheetah.

Taste is the second scene presented in the Cluny tapestry series… Here, the protagonist engages in a delicate gesture, accepting a sweet from her lady companion to feed the parrot perched on her gloved hand. The harmonious arrangement centers around the triangular formation of the two women, their relaxed postures, and calm gestures in stark contrast to the lively movements of the Lion and Unicorn, adorned in billowing, armored capes. A rose-covered fence in the background adds depth and frames the elegant scene. The Mille Fleur background, however, teems with life, featuring a hornless young unicorn among other creatures.

The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries, Smell, circa 1500, Wool and Silk, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France

In this picturesque tapestry scene presenting Smell, the third Sense… the Lady is occupied in crafting a floral garland using carnations from a tray tendered by her lady companion. The symbolic gesture is accentuated by a monkey in the background, engaged in the act of smelling a rose. Both women are fashionably groomed, showing luxurious inner and outer garments. The Lady’s hair, mostly concealed, is adorned with a short headdress intricately divided by rows of pearls and bordered with gems, creating a regal allure. Contrastingly, the lady companion’s hair is elegantly styled on the sides, secured with ribbons, and covered with a modest short band, adding a touch of sophistication to this enchanting tableau.

Hearing is presented with a captivating tapestry moment… the Lady is immersed in the melodious pursuit of playing a portative organ, its bellows deftly operated by her lady companion. Set upon an oriental rug, the instrument’s posts are adorned with intricate depictions of a Unicorn and a Lion, lending an air of regality to the scene. The composition, though narrow, exudes elegance, with banners gracefully concealing the trees behind them.

In this poignant tapestry tableau depicting the fifth Sense of Sight… the Lady assumes a seated posture, tenderly caressing the Unicorn with her left hand. The Unicorn reciprocates by resting its front legs on her lap, its gaze fixated on a mirror, a precious piece of gold work. Meanwhile, in the background, a lion cub, a dog, and a rabbit participate in the looking game, enriching the tapestry with additional layers of charm and symbolism.

The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries, Mon Seul Désir, circa 1500, Wool and Silk, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France

In front of a captivating blue pavilion bearing the enigmatic inscription, Mon Seul Désir/My sole desire, a mysterious scene unfolds, prompting contemplation of its profound meaning. This is the sixth Tapestry in The Lady and the Unicorn series! Interpreted as a part of a larger allegory of the senses, this tableau is thought to convey the essence of a ‘sixth sense.’ In medieval symbolism, this transcendent sense could signify the soul, the mind, or the heart – the very core of moral life and carnal desire. The crux of the allegory lies in the phrase ‘My sole desire,’ which, while evoking courtly romanticism, also hints at moral reason or ‘free will.’ The ambiguity of the lady’s actions adds to the intrigue: is she adorning herself with jewels taken from the casket, or is her gesture one of renunciation? Whether embracing or rejecting the pleasures of the senses, her actions are driven by her own free will, epitomizing her ‘sole desire’ for agency and self-determination in this enigmatic tapestry scene.

The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry series at the Cluny Museum is an exquisite embodiment of medieval aesthetic refinement. Crafted around 1500, these masterpieces showcase a harmonious interplay of vibrant colors, intricate details, and symbolic depth. The balanced and elegant compositions feature an aristocratic Lady, a Unicorn, and a Lion against a rich Mille Fleur background, with each tapestry encapsulating a unique allegory of the human Senses. The tapestries’ aesthetic allure lies not only in their technical brilliance but also in the subtle conveyance of narratives, inviting viewers into a timeless world where beauty, symbolism, and craftsmanship intertwine seamlessly.

For a PowerPoint on The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries in the Cluny Museum, please… Check HERE!

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Two Early Christian Tunics in Thessaloniki

Early Christian Tunic, 5th-7th cent., Wool, 117×100 cm, from Egypt (permanent loan of the Benaki Museum), Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki, Greece

The Early Christian Tunic refers to a garment style worn during the Late Roman/Early Christian period which generally spans from the 4th to the 7th century AD. This era is characterized by the transition from the classical Roman Empire to the Μedieval period, and it includes the later part of the Roman Empire and the Εarly Byzantine Empire. Tunics of that era evolved from the earlier Roman Τunics but had distinct features that reflected the changing cultural, social, and political landscape. My BLOG intends to present information on Two Early Christian Tunics in Thessaloniki, exhibited in the city’s amazing Museum of Byzantine Culture.

What exactly is an Early Christian Tunic? It is a simple, loose-fitting garment, worn by both women and men and often made from linen or wool. Tunics were generally loose-fitting garments, providing comfort and ease of movement. They had no sewing and were worn with the help of belts, buckles, and pins. Cutting and sewing are practices that experienced wider spread in the Mediterranean area after the 7th century. They had a T-shape or a tubular design, with a hole for the head and sometimes sleeves. The shape could vary, and some tunics were more form-fitting than others. The length of the Τunic could also vary. Some reached the knees, while others were longer, extending to the ankles.

While some Τunics were plain, others were embellished with plain coloured bands or ‘ornaments’ of textile bands, roundels, or square panels. These bands (called clavi) were of different lengths and adorned the front and back parts of the garment at shoulder level, but sometimes the lower edge was also trimmed with a horizontal band that turned vertically upwards at right angles at each side. Tunics were also adorned with square panels or roundels (called orbiculi) on the shoulders and near their lower edge. Many times, clavi and orbiculi were garment ornaments, tapestry-woven separately, and then applied to the linen or woolen Tunic. page 239

The clothing of the Early Christian period is often studied through archaeological findings, artistic representations, and references in historical texts. For the history of Early Christian garments and their decoration, Egypt is a treasure trove, due to its hot and dry climate. Egyptian textiles that have survived from this period are referred to as Coptic Textiles, an Arabic corruption of the Greek word ‘Aigyptos’, used to describe the Christianised Egyptians.

In the Museum of Byzantine Culture, in Thessaloniki, Greece, there are two Coptic Tunics (on permanent loan from the Benaki Museum) beautifully decorated with clavi and orbiculi.

One of the two Tunics has the natural color of linen and is adorned with purple-colored woven bands (clavi). Wide bands, for instance, embellish the upper part of the chest on both the front and back of the garment. These bands feature depictions of soldiers carrying shields under colonnades. A narrower band extends across the shoulders, displaying roundels with depictions of hares inside woven squares. Prominent features of the Tunic include two long vertical bands that start from the chest and extend to the hem. These bands are adorned alternately with running lions and hares, creating the impression of a hunt.

The second Tunic, multicoloured, and lively, is equally impressive. Made of linen, coloured a vibrant red, it is adorned with woven vertical white bands, thinner than usually fashionable, down to the waist. The rest of the Tunic’s ornamentation consists of bands for the neck area and the hem of each wrist, adorned with white geometric shapes against a black background for the neck, and white lozenge motifs against a black background for the cuffs. Finally, two discs (orbiculi) with stylized plant motifs in the same colour palette, are placed in the lower part of the Tunic. Noteworthy is the fact that at the height of the waist, there is a seam that covers a belt.

Both Tunics are displayed in the Museum’s 2nd Gallery, where aspects of Early Christian period city life are presented. This Exhibition, inaugurated on July 10th, 1998, is organized around the triclinium, that is the reception hall of a rich house in Thessaloniki. It presents issues that emphasize the role of the city as a fortified residential complex, its private and public life, professional activities, economic life, commerce, workshops, houses and their equipment (pottery and glass vessels), domestic activities (weaving, cooking) and objects for personal adornment.

For a Student Activity, inspired by the Coptic Tunics in Thessaloniki, please… Check HERE!

Musée de Cluny

View of the 3 architectural phases of the Musée de ClunyMusée national du Moyen Âge (Roman, 20th century, Renaissance) in Paris, France

The Cluny Museum, officially known as the Musée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge, is a captivating institution located in the heart of Paris, France. Housed in the former Cluny Abbey, a medieval Benedictine monastery, the museum is dedicated to the preservation and display of artifacts from the Middle Ages. Its rich collection spans from the Late Roman Period to the 16th century and includes a diverse range of artworks that provide a fascinating glimpse into medieval life. The architecture of the Cluny Museum itself is a marvel, blending the 20th century, Medieval, and Renaissance elements, with beautiful gardens adding to its charm. Visitors can explore the intimate courtyards, chapels, and thermal baths, which are among the best-preserved Roman baths in France. The Cluny Museum stands as a unique space, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the art, history, and culture of the medieval period in an enchanting setting.

View of the Musée de ClunyMusée national du Moyen Âge, in Paris, France

Visitors to the Cluny Museum in Paris can explore a rich and diverse collection of artifacts from the Middle Ages. Some of the highlights include:

Medieval Sculptures and Architectural Fragments: The museum houses a remarkable collection of medieval sculptures, including statues, reliefs, and architectural fragments from churches and cathedrals. The sculptures depict saints, biblical figures, and scenes from religious narratives, revealing the profound influence of Christianity on medieval art. Additionally, the architectural fragments provide insights into the grandeur of medieval structures, allowing visitors to appreciate the ornate details and exquisite craftsmanship that adorned sacred spaces like the Notre Dame of Paris or Sainte-Chapelle.

Illuminated Manuscripts: The Cluny Museum features a splendid collection of illuminated manuscripts, showcasing the intricate and detailed illustrations found in medieval books. These manuscripts often include religious texts, literary works, and scientific treatises.

Stained Glass Windows: The museum displays a selection of medieval stained glass windows, offering a glimpse into the stunning visual artistry that adorned churches and cathedrals during the Middle Ages. These windows, meticulously crafted with vibrant colors and intricate designs, provide a vivid representation of the storytelling and symbolism embedded in medieval Christian traditions.

Musée de Cluny Faces, For more information on the depicted ‘Faces’, please check the attached PowerPoint

Everyday Life Artifacts: Visitors can explore a variety of everyday objects from medieval life, such as ceramics, textiles, and metalwork. These artifacts provide insights into the daily lives, customs, and technologies of people during the medieval period.

The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries: This famous series of six tapestries is considered a masterpiece of medieval art. Each tapestry represents one of the senses, and the intricate designs and vibrant colors are a testament to the craftsmanship of the time.

Roman Baths, Gardens, and Courtyards: The Cluny Museum is situated on the site of ancient Roman baths, and visitors can explore the well-preserved frigidarium (cold room) and caldarium (hot room), gaining an understanding of Roman engineering and architecture. Additionally, the museum features charming gardens and courtyards, offering peaceful spaces for visitors to relax and enjoy the historic surroundings.

Musée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge,  View of the interior, Paris, France

The Cluny Museum in Paris offers a unique and alternative experience for visitors exploring the French capital due to its singular focus on the Middle Ages. Amidst the iconic landmarks and modern attractions of Paris, the museum provides a serene escape into the rich tapestry of medieval history, art, and culture. Its diverse collection offers an immersive journey into a bygone era. The atmospheric setting of the former Cluny Abbey, complete with Roman baths and picturesque gardens, enhances the distinctive charm of this museum. It provides a more intimate and specialized encounter, allowing visitors to delve into the intricate details of medieval life, religious practices, and artistic achievements, creating an enriching contrast to the contemporary allure of Paris.

For a PowerPoint Presentation of Masterpieces from the Cluny Museum, please… Check HERE!

Gold Medallion of Saint John the Forerunner

Medallion with Saint John the Baptist from an Icon Frame, ca. 1100, Gold, silver, and enamel worked in cloisonné, Diam: 8.3 cm, the MET, NY, USA

On the 7th of January, the Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist, the Greek Orthodox Church celebrates a significant figure in the Christian tradition. His Apolytikio is a testimony to his elevated status… The memory of the just is celebrated with hymns of praise, but the Lord’s testimony is sufficient for thee, O Forerunner; for thou hast proved to be truly even more venerable than the Prophets, since thou was granted to baptize in the running waters Him Whom they proclaimed. The Gold Medallion of Saint John the Forerunner in the MET is evidence of his importance in the arts.

Saint John the Forerunner holds a prominent place in Christian iconography, his imagery rich with symbolic significance. The Icon of John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan River is a powerful representation of his pivotal role in preparing the way for the Savior. The lamb, a common element in depictions of John, symbolizes Christ as the “Lamb of God” who takes away the sins of the world. This type of artwork not only emphasizes John’s humility in recognizing Christ’s divine nature but also underscores the transformative nature of baptism. In Christian art, Saint John the Baptist serves as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments, symbolizing the transition from the era of prophets to the advent of the Messiah. His portrayal in religious art continues to inspire contemplation on themes of repentance, humility, and the heralding of spiritual renewal.

Today’s BLOG POST presents a MET treasure, a small Gold Medallion with Saint John the Forerunner in the Cloisonné technique, a traditional practice in art and metalwork, often associated with Byzantine art.

The MET Medallion of Saint John, along with eight more, was part of the decoration of a precious Frame for an Icon dedicated to the Archangel Gabriel, possibly a gift from the Byzantine court to the neighboring Christian state of Georgia. These types of medallions are valued not only for their aesthetic beauty but also for their historical and cultural significance, offering insights into the artistic achievements of the Byzantine Empire.

Medallions from an Icon Frame, made in Constantinople ca. 1100, the MET, NY, USA

The Precious Frames of Icons serve to underscore the icon’s significance, imparting both aesthetic appeal and worldly value to its religious status. Positioned at the upper narrow side of the frame, MET experts have identified three Roundels featuring Christ at the center. He is unmistakably distinguished by His cross-nimbus, extending a blessing with His right hand while cradling a Gospel book in His left. Flanking Him are the Medallions of the Mother of God (recognized by the Orthodox abbreviation ‘ΜΗΤΗΡ ΘΕΟΥ’) to His right and that of John the Forerunner (the standard Orthodox title for John the Baptist) to His left. These three figures, adopting a posture of intercession, collectively constitute the ‘Deesis,’ a term translating to ‘prayer’ or ‘supplication’ in Greek. For Byzantine iconography, ‘Deesis’ scenes, portray Christ as the divine judge and mediator between humanity and God, with Mary and John serving as the most effective intercessors for humankind alongside Christ. In essence, the ‘Deesis’ scene stands as a potent visual representation of the Byzantine Christian understanding of divine mercy, intercession, and the final judgment, positioning Christ at the epicenter of authority and mediation.

The remaining MET Medallions on the discussed Icon Frame depict the hierarchical arrangement of the Church. Positioned just beneath the ‘Deesis’ scene are the Apostles Saints Peter and Paul. Below the Medallion of Saint Paul, one finds the two Evangelists, Saints Matthew and Luke. Saint John the Theologian is situated beneath Saint Peter, and at the bottom narrow side of the Frame, we encounter the depiction of the military Saint, George.

For a Student Activity inspired by the Gold Medallion of Saint John the Forerunner in the MET, please… Check HERE!

Cloisonné is a decorative technique that involves the use of enamel, gemstones, or glass to fill compartments (cloisons) created by metal wires or strips on a metal surface. The word “cloisonné” comes from the French word for compartment. This technique was widely used in the Byzantine Empire, particularly in creating intricate designs on metal objects like jewelry, religious artifacts, and decorative items. The spaces, or cloisons, are filled with colorful enamel, creating a vibrant and detailed surface.

Michael Attaleiates’s Ring at Dumbarton Oaks

Ring of Michael Attaleiates, before 1080, Enamel on Gold, 3 cm, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC, USA

Michael Attaleiates’s Ring at Dumbarton Oaks has an inscription on its hoop that reads… Bearer of God, help thy servant Michael Attaleiates… while the bezel of the ring displays the bust of the Virgin flanked by the abbreviation ‘Mother of God.’ Byzantine rings with the owner’s name are scarce, and a ring associated with such a distinguished citizen is exceptionally rare. It stands as an extraordinary treasure!

In confronting this historical artifact, the initial question that arises relates to its owner, Michael Attaleiates. The key questions are: Who was he, and what attributes contributed to his recognition as a significant figure?

Michael Attaleiates was a Byzantine historian and government official who lived in the 11th century. He was likely born in Attaleia and relocated to Constantinople between 1030 and 1040 for legal studies. Upon his ‘graduation’ he entered the empire’s administration serving in the judiciary sector. Recognized for his judicial prowess, he received prestigious honors from the Byzantine Emperors and amassed substantial wealth through services in the empire’s administration.

In 1072, he compiled the Ponema Nomikon, a legal synopsis for Emperor Michael VII, based on the 9th-century Basilika. Around 1079/80, he penned The History, chronicling the Byzantine Empire from 1034 to 1079, showcasing valuable insights into the events and characters of his time, as well as the political, military, and social developments. His writings contribute significantly to our understanding of the political and cultural context of the Byzantine Empire during a critical period of its history.

Ring of Michael Attaleiates, before 1080, Enamel on Gold, 3 cm, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC, USA
Ring of Michael Attaleiates, before 1080, Enamel on Gold, 3 cm, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC, USA

Back to Attaleiates’s ring, and according to Stephen Zwirn, retired Assistant Curator in the Byzantine Collection of Dumbarton Oaks as of 2012… the ring stands out for deviating from the typical cloisonné technique used in Byzantium, instead adopting the champlevé technique associated with medieval Western European production. This method involves carving a cavity into the background, filling it with enamel, and leaving raised lines to define the image, allowing for intricate details in the drapery folds and inscriptions. The ring is so well crafted, that there is no doubt that this technique had been fully mastered by a Byzantine artist.

The second inquiry that arises concerns the acquisition history of the ring. According to Dumbarton Oaks records, on the 15th of August – a day Christians commemorate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in Washington, DC, acquired Michael Attaleiates’s Ring from the Art Dealer Joseph Brummer. This prompts a dual question: Who was Joseph Brummer, and what distinguishes him as a noteworthy figure in the realm of art dealers?

Henri Rousseau, 1844 – 1910
Portrait of Joseph Brummer, 1909, Oil on Canvas, 115.9 × 88.3 cm, The National Gallery, London, UK

Joseph Brummer was a prominent art dealer in the early to mid-20th century, known for his significant contributions to the art world. Born in 1883 in Hungary, Brummer, along with his brothers, Ernest and Imre, established the Brummer Gallery in Paris in 1905, later moving it to New York in 1914. The Brummer Gallery played a pivotal role in recognizing the artistic importance of Medieval Arts and unusually introducing them as if they were modernist artifacts. The Brummer Gallery was also famous for introducing European modern art to the United States, showcasing works by renowned artists such as Picasso, Modigliani, and Brancusi. Joseph Brummer was renowned for his discerning eye and deep knowledge of art, building a reputation as a tastemaker and a key figure in the art market during his time. His legacy lives on not only through the artworks he handled but also in the influence he had on shaping the appreciation of art in America.

P4125 recto: Byzantine ring in heavy, massive gold, with Greek inscription all around and a seal on top, also in gold, with figure in champleve enamel; also inscription around ring, The MET: Thomas J. Watson Library Digital Collections – The Brummer Gallery Records, New York, USA
P4125 verso: Byzantine ring in heavy, massive gold, with Greek inscription all around and a seal on top, also in gold, with figure in champleve enamel; also inscription around ring, The MET: Thomas J. Watson Library Digital Collections – The Brummer Gallery Records, New York, USA

On the 15th of August 1947, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection purchased Attaleiates’s Gold Ring from Joseph Brummer. Searching MET’s Thomas J. Watson Library Digital Collections – The Brummer Gallery Records, I present you with both sides of the Ring’s Inventory Card, Numbered P4125!

For a Student Activity, titled Comparative Analysis of Champlevé and Cloisonné Enamel Techniques in Byzantine Art, please… Check HERE!