A few years back, while preparing an introductory Lesson Plan for my Grade 1 School Classroom Unit, I came across this wonderful Gallo-Roman sculptural relief of the 2nd century AD. I instantly connected to the standing young student, the “late” arrival to the Classroom. I immediately felt the need to share it with my students. As a result, “School Classrooms Since Antiquity” developed.
Use “School Classrooms Since Antiquity” in order to introduce ideas like Education, School, Classroom, Heroes, Mythology, Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome, Art, Social Studies, Language Arts, Visual Arts
“School Classrooms” Lesson Plan
Essential Question
Compared to antiquity, how similar or how different is Education and subsequently, School Classrooms, today?
To help students understand the importance of Education
Assisting students to connect the past with the present
To help students learn about education from works of art
Enduring Understanding
Education is the process of helping students acquire knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
Steps to Success

Introduction to the Lesson -Essential Question: Compared to antiquity, how similar or how different is Education, and subsequently School Classrooms, today?
Visual Learning – Part 1, “My Classroom … then”: Show students the PowerPoint “teachercurator” has prepared and at the same time… Click HERE!
Be Inquisitive – Questions and Answers: Discuss each picture and then ask students the questions “teachercurator” prepared for you. For the QandA, please… Click HERE!
Goals: 1. To help students understand the importance of education. 2. Assisting students to connect the past with the present. 3. To help students learn about education from works of art.
Visual Learning – Part 2, “Classrooms … now”: Show students the “33 Eye-Opening Pictures Of Classrooms Around The World” so you can discuss them. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/gabrielsanchez/this-is-what-going-to-school-looks-like-around-the-world
Be Inquisitive: Guide students to Comparisons between the past and the present. Compare pictures to their own classroom. Furthermore, discuss with students what they like/dislike in each picture and what they would like to have in their own classroom. Be creative!!!
Enduring Understanding: Education is the process of helping students acquire knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
Assessment Activity: Music was a very important component of Ancient Greek Education and students were expected to learn how to play musical instruments. Inspired by the 2nd and 3rd Slides, have students do the Getty Museum “Classy Cardboard Lyre” Art Activity because it is easy, exciting, creative, fun, and educational! https://www.getty.edu/education/teachers/classroom_resources/tips_tools/downloads/aa_cardboard_lyre.pdf